Sorry! This Comprehensive Collection of 73 Ancient Roman Coins has sold.

Comprehensive Collection of 73 Ancient Roman Coins

Contains one coin representing (nearly) every Roman emperor between 14BC and 430AD

Fully attributed and described, housed in a custom presentation case

Accompanied by a full-colour copy of Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire".

This incredible collection covers 400 years of the ancient Roman Empire.

If I meet someone new at a party and they ask me what I do for a living, once I let them know I'm a rare coin dealer some of them invariably say "You must love what you do!"

I have to then tell them that just like any other job or profession, the life of a full-time numismatist isn't all beer and skittles - we certainly aren't exempt from paperwork and compliance reporting!

After the honeymoon is over, the relentless grind and discipline required for a coin dealer to trade profitably and equitably over an extended period of time can be just as draining as any other role, no matter how exotic or fascinating our products might be.

Every now and then though, we get the opportunity to handle a coin, note or collection that is worth whatever tedium we might be asked to endure.

For mine, this set of ancient Roman coins has clearly been an all-time privilege to handle.

It contains 73 different coins from the ancient Roman Empire - each of the coins represents a different Roman emperor, spanning the timeframe between the rise of Augustus in 14BC right through to the demise of Honorius in 423AD. It is an incredibly comprehensive set - only 4 coins are missing from what might be regarded as a "complete" set covering the first 250 years of the Roman Empire. We've put a slideshow together that showcases each of the coins in this collection at the end of this page.

When we first saw them, the coins were housed in paper envelopes and in old vinyl sheets - the way they were presented certainly belied their incredible appeal and history. It turned out that, as is often the case, the collector that built the collection had passed away some time ago, and not having left instructions to his beneficiaries, the coins were stored as best a non-collector might think was appropriate.

The inheritors didn't know what the coins were, much less how much they were worth, but it didn't take long at all to discern that not only were the coins incredibly old and in fantastic condition, but they were curated together by someone that clearly had a deep interest in classical history, and wanted to showcase 450 years of one of the world's most important empires.

I'd like to think I have some skill at dealing in rare coins, but I wasn't prepared to make an estimation on the spot regarding value - collections like this that have been built with care and resolve are far and few between, and profit is a far lower priority than doing the right thing.

After expressing astonishment about the extent of the collection, we provided the beneficiary with a receipt for the coins and set about recording the details of each and every single coin.

After completing the appraisal, we contacted them the next day and let them know our offer, which they were delighted with - they weren't aware of the extent of the collector's interest in the series. We also let them know how apparent it was just how much effort, care and diligence it took to build the set, which again they weren't aware of.

Once the deal was complete, we set about attributing each of the coins in the collection, the list you see in the table below is the result of many hours work.

We also obtained a presentation case we believe is appropriate to house a collection of this calibre - each of the coins is now clearly stored in chronological order, they are split into different dynasties and eras. The coins required to build a complete set are also clearly identified.

Although this collection is pretty much as it was sold to us, we removed 3 low-value coins that were unidentifiable and tracked down two coins to plug gaps that were visible. (We had to contribute something to building it!)

We guarantee that each of the coins in the collection is genuine, has the details described and has been appraised in line with current market values.

We believe it really is an incredible body of work, one that can be enjoyed and kept as-is, or one that can be built on to craft an unparalleled collection of ancient Roman coins that spans the entire history of the Roman Empire.

So How Many Coins Exactly Might Constitute A "Complete" Set of These Coins?

Just what might constitute a "complete" set of coins representing all of the rulers of the Roman Empire is a truly challenging and vexing question. It begs further questions - when did the empire begin? When did it end? Who should properly be considered a ruler?

While I don't believe it is possible or necessary to definitively define the bounds of a "complete" set of these coins, I do believe it is possible to settle on parameters that will be recognized as being principled and reasonably accurate.

There is little argument that the Roman Empire began with Augustus in 27 B.C., yet there is much less certainty when it comes to defining the "end" of the Roman Empire. Reason being, there was no definitive "end" to the Roman Empire - it eased in significance and importance over a span of several centuries. If we use the coins included in this collection as a guide, the previous owner took the end of the empire to be complete when Emperor Honorius died in 423 AD. An arguably valid choice, as by that time the Visigoths had sacked Rome and the seat of "Roman" power was in Ravenna, some 360km north of Rome.

Other collectors and academics state that Romulus Augustus was the last in the unbroken line of emperors who ruled Rome. Aged just 16, in the face of ongoing attacks by Germanic tribes he abdicated and retired to the Gulf of Naples.

Whatever date you settle on as the end of the Roman Empire, this collection will serve as a comprehensive depiction of the might and power it wielded for close to 5 centuries.

Informational Book Included - "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"

To complement this incredible collection, we're including an abridged and illustrated hardcover copy of Edward Gibbon's "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire". The complete version of Gibbon's work that was first published in 1776 is regarded as "...the standard reference on the history of the Roman Empire."

Gibbons himself is regarded as being " of the greatest literary figures of the 18th century."

When coupled with this incredible collection, that reference book will undoubtedly bring many hours of enjoyment and satisfaction in exploring the stories and lessons of the many figures involved in the history of ancient Rome.

The Presentation Case

The coinage of ancient Rome is a complex and enormous field - we've endeavoured to make it really simple to build on this collection by housing it in a presentation case that not only keeps the coins safe and organised, but also presents them in such in a way the various dynasties and eras are easily discernible. Each of the coins yet to be acquired are also easily identifiable, making this a finite set that the next owner can build on if they choose.

The Booklet

We're going to include a booklet that has a page of information on each coin in the set - all of the information you see in the keynote presentation below will be included.

As the next owner adds to the collection, we'll be pleased to prepare similar pages for each additional coin, yielding a trove of information that makes it easy to understand the characteristics and importance of each and every coin included.

The Price

In appraising the collection, we've made use of the latest auction prices realised for comparable coins sold in the United Kingdom; Europe and the United States. We're confident that the overall price offers excellent value for money.

If you choose to acquire this set and would like some support in rounding it out, we'll be pleased to work with you in doing so.

The set is available for viewing at our premises in Fremantle, please contact us via phone, email or our online chat tool if you'd like any more information at all.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to acquire a comprehensive collection of ancient Roman coins that depict the grandeur of the history of Rome.



SKU: 210420

Browse our catalog of Imperial Rome below:

Coin Name Reverse Obverse Price Status
Ancient Rome (Imperial) 206-210CE Caracalla Denarius RIC IV 166 about VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 206-210CE Caracalla Denarius RIC IV 166 about VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 206-210CE Caracalla Denarius RIC IV 166 about VF $125.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 243 - 244 CE Gordian III Silver Antoninianus RIC IV 148 About EF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 243 - 244 CE Gordian III Silver Antoninianus RIC IV 148 About EF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 243 - 244 CE Gordian III Silver Antoninianus RIC IV 148 About EF $125.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 257-258CE Salonina Antoninianus RIC V 29 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 257-258CE Salonina Antoninianus RIC V 29 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 257-258CE Salonina Antoninianus RIC V 29 Very Fine $75.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 260-269CE Postumus Antoninianus RIC V 59 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 260-269CE Postumus Antoninianus RIC V 59 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 260-269CE Postumus Antoninianus RIC V 59 Very Fine $95.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 270-275CE Aurelian Antoninianus RIC V 328 about EF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 270-275CE Aurelian Antoninianus RIC V 328 about EF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 270-275CE Aurelian Antoninianus RIC V 328 about EF $150.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 270-275CE Aurelian Antoninianus RIC V 408 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 270-275CE Aurelian Antoninianus RIC V 408 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 270-275CE Aurelian Antoninianus RIC V 408 $50.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 276-282CE Probus Antoninianus RIC V 911 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 276-282CE Probus Antoninianus RIC V 911 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 276-282CE Probus Antoninianus RIC V 911 good VF $95.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 276-282CE Probus Antoninianus RIC V 706 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 276-282CE Probus Antoninianus RIC V 706 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 276-282CE Probus Antoninianus RIC V 706 $60.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 310-313CE Constantine I AE2 RIC VI 855 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 310-313CE Constantine I AE2 RIC VI 855 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 310-313CE Constantine I AE2 RIC VI 855 good VF $60.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 313CE Licinius AE3 RIC VI 233a Ancient Rome (Imperial) 313CE Licinius AE3 RIC VI 233a Ancient Rome (Imperial) 313CE Licinius AE3 RIC VI 233a $50.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 314-315CE Licinius AE3 RIC VII 27 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 314-315CE Licinius AE3 RIC VII 27 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 314-315CE Licinius AE3 RIC VII 27 $40.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 316CE Constantine I Bronze AE3 RIC VII Arelate 102 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 316CE Constantine I Bronze AE3 RIC VII Arelate 102 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 316CE Constantine I Bronze AE3 RIC VII Arelate 102 Fine $40.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 320-321CE Licinius AE3 RIC VII 229 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 320-321CE Licinius AE3 RIC VII 229 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 320-321CE Licinius AE3 RIC VII 229 $50.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 321CE Constantine I AE3 RIC VII 235 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 321CE Constantine I AE3 RIC VII 235 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 321CE Constantine I AE3 RIC VII 235 $25.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 323-324CE Constantine I AE3 RIC VII 218 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 323-324CE Constantine I AE3 RIC VII 218 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 323-324CE Constantine I AE3 RIC VII 218 $75.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 326-328CE Constantius II AE3 RIC VII 158 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 326-328CE Constantius II AE3 RIC VII 158 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 326-328CE Constantius II AE3 RIC VII 158 $20.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 330-335CE Constantine II AE3 RIC VII 189 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 330-335CE Constantine II AE3 RIC VII 189 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 330-335CE Constantine II AE3 RIC VII 189 $50.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 332-333CE Constantine I AE3 RIC VII 539 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 332-333CE Constantine I AE3 RIC VII 539 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 332-333CE Constantine I AE3 RIC VII 539 Very Fine $50.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 332CE Constantine I AE3 RIC VII 256 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 332CE Constantine I AE3 RIC VII 256 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 332CE Constantine I AE3 RIC VII 256 $20.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 348-350CE Constans Reduced AE2 RIC VIII 221 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 348-350CE Constans Reduced AE2 RIC VIII 221 Ancient Rome (Imperial) 348-350CE Constans Reduced AE2 RIC VIII 221 $75.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 367-375CE Valentinian I AE3 RIC IX 15b about VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 367-375CE Valentinian I AE3 RIC IX 15b about VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 367-375CE Valentinian I AE3 RIC IX 15b about VF $50.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) Augustus 19 BC Silver Denarius Signis Receptis RIC# 86a about VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) Augustus 19 BC Silver Denarius Signis Receptis RIC# 86a about VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) Augustus 19 BC Silver Denarius Signis Receptis RIC# 86a about VF $950.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome 336-337CE VRBS ROMA Follis RIC VII Constantinople 154 Ancient Rome 336-337CE VRBS ROMA Follis RIC VII Constantinople 154 Ancient Rome 336-337CE VRBS ROMA Follis RIC VII Constantinople 154 $50.00 Available Now View Product
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 103-111 AD Trajan Silver Denarius Arabia RIC II 142 Good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial)  103-111 AD Trajan Silver Denarius Arabia  RIC II 142 Good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial)  103-111 AD Trajan Silver Denarius Arabia  RIC II 142 Good VF $240.00
Last sold for this price on 20/8/2024
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 114 AD Trajan Silver Denarius Fortuna RIC II 318 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial)  114 AD Trajan Silver Denarius Fortuna  RIC II 318 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial)  114 AD Trajan Silver Denarius Fortuna  RIC II 318 Very Fine $195.00
Last sold for this price on 2/8/2022
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 129 ~ 130 AD Hadrian Gold Aureus Emperor on horseback Hadrian III 1052 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial)  129 ~ 130 AD Hadrian Gold Aureus Emperor on horseback  Hadrian III 1052 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial)  129 ~ 130 AD Hadrian Gold Aureus Emperor on horseback  Hadrian III 1052 good VF $4,950.00
Last sold for this price on 13/8/2021
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 138 AD Hadrian Silver Denarius Aequitas RIC II 10a good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial)  138 AD Hadrian Silver Denarius Aequitas  RIC II 10a good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial)  138 AD Hadrian Silver Denarius Aequitas  RIC II 10a good VF $195.00
Last sold for this price on 2/8/2022
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 138 ~ 161 AD Antoninus Pius Gold Aureus Globe RIC 256a good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial)  138 ~ 161 AD Antoninus Pius Gold Aureus Globe  RIC 256a good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial)  138 ~ 161 AD Antoninus Pius Gold Aureus Globe  RIC 256a good VF $8,500.00
Last sold for this price on 24/11/2021
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 139 AD Antoninus Pius Bronze Sestertius Africa RIC III 574 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial)  139 AD Antoninus Pius Bronze Sestertius Africa  RIC III 574 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial)  139 AD Antoninus Pius Bronze Sestertius Africa  RIC III 574 Very Fine $125.00
Last sold for this price on 28/10/2021
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 14 ~ 37 AD Tiberius Gold Aureus Livia seated RIC I 29 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial)  14 ~ 37 AD Tiberius Gold Aureus Livia seated  RIC I 29 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial)  14 ~ 37 AD Tiberius Gold Aureus Livia seated  RIC I 29 Fine $4,950.00
Last sold for this price on 13/8/2021
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 155 ~ 156 AD Antoninus Pius Gold Aureus Victory RIC 255a good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial)  155 ~ 156 AD Antoninus Pius Gold Aureus Victory  RIC 255a good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial)  155 ~ 156 AD Antoninus Pius Gold Aureus Victory  RIC 255a good VF $6,800.00
Last sold for this price on 2/12/2022
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 260 ~ 269 AD Postumus Silver Antoninianus Salus RIC V 85 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial)  260 ~ 269 AD Postumus Silver Antoninianus Salus  RIC V 85 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial)  260 ~ 269 AD Postumus Silver Antoninianus Salus  RIC V 85 good VF $75.00
Last sold for this price on 2/8/2022
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 260-268 AD Gallienus AE Antoninianus Panther RIC V 574 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial)  260-268 AD Gallienus AE Antoninianus Panther RIC V 574 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial)  260-268 AD Gallienus AE Antoninianus Panther RIC V 574 good VF $125.00
Last sold for this price on 19/8/2022
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 308 AD Dicletian Copper Follis Providentia RIC VI Alexandria 91a Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial)  308 AD Dicletian Copper Follis Providentia  RIC VI Alexandria 91a Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial)  308 AD Dicletian Copper Follis Providentia  RIC VI Alexandria 91a Very Fine $50.00
Last sold for this price on 28/10/2021
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 364-375 AD Valentinian Silver Siliqua Roma RIC X 2078 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial)  364-375 AD Valentinian Silver Siliqua Roma RIC X 2078 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial)  364-375 AD Valentinian Silver Siliqua Roma RIC X 2078 Very Fine $195.00
Last sold for this price on 19/8/2022
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 67 ~ 68 AD Nero Silver Denarius Aquila RIC I 68 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial)  67 ~ 68 AD Nero Silver Denarius Aquila  RIC I 68 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial)  67 ~ 68 AD Nero Silver Denarius Aquila  RIC I 68 Fine $250.00
Last sold for this price on 11/10/2021
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 69 ~ 81 AD Domitian Silver Denarius Pegasus RIC II 921 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial)  69 ~ 81 AD Domitian Silver Denarius Pegasus  RIC II 921 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial)  69 ~ 81 AD Domitian Silver Denarius Pegasus  RIC II 921 good VF $495.00
Last sold for this price on 24/11/2021
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 100 AD Trajan Silver Denarius Vesta seated RIC II 40 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 100 AD Trajan Silver Denarius Vesta seated RIC II 40 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 100 AD Trajan Silver Denarius Vesta seated RIC II 40 good VF $150.00
Last sold for this price on 15/2/2020
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 101-102 AD Trajan Bronze Dupondius Abundantia RIC 428 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 101-102 AD Trajan Bronze Dupondius Abundantia RIC 428 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 101-102 AD Trajan Bronze Dupondius Abundantia RIC 428 Extremely Fine $295.00
Last sold for this price on 29/9/2019
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 101-102 AD Trajan Silver Denarius Hercules BMC 86 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 101-102 AD Trajan Silver Denarius Hercules BMC 86 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 101-102 AD Trajan Silver Denarius Hercules BMC 86 Extremely Fine $350.00
Last sold for this price on 23/4/2020
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 101-102AD Trajan Silver Denarius RIC II 49 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 101-102AD Trajan Silver Denarius RIC II 49 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 101-102AD Trajan Silver Denarius RIC II 49 Fine $150.00
Last sold for this price on 15/4/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 106-107 AD Trajan Silver Denarius Genius BMC 209 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 106-107 AD Trajan Silver Denarius Genius BMC 209 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 106-107 AD Trajan Silver Denarius Genius BMC 209 Extremely Fine $375.00
Last sold for this price on 3/4/2020
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 114-117 AD Trajan Silver Denarius Felicitas RIC 343 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 114-117 AD Trajan Silver Denarius Felicitas RIC 343 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 114-117 AD Trajan Silver Denarius Felicitas RIC 343 good VF $250.00
Last sold for this price on 3/6/2019
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 117-138AD Hadrian Silver Denarius RIC II 3141 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 117-138AD Hadrian Silver Denarius RIC II 3141 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 117-138AD Hadrian Silver Denarius RIC II 3141 Fine $175.00
Last sold for this price on 6/4/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 117-138AD Hadrian Silver Denarius RIC II 798 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 117-138AD Hadrian Silver Denarius RIC II 798 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 117-138AD Hadrian Silver Denarius RIC II 798 Fine $175.00
Last sold for this price on 11/3/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 119-122 AD Hadrian Silver Denarius Fortuna BMC 171 about EF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 119-122 AD Hadrian Silver Denarius Fortuna BMC 171 about EF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 119-122 AD Hadrian Silver Denarius Fortuna BMC 171 about EF $375.00
Last sold for this price on 21/5/2020
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 128 AD Hadrian Denarius Star and moon BMC 462 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 128 AD Hadrian Denarius Star and moon BMC 462 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 128 AD Hadrian Denarius Star and moon BMC 462 Extremely Fine $275.00
Last sold for this price on 28/12/2019
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 134 AD Hadrian Denarius Victory BMC 760A Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 134 AD Hadrian Denarius Victory BMC 760A Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 134 AD Hadrian Denarius Victory BMC 760A Extremely Fine $295.00
Last sold for this price on 10/11/2020
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 134 AD Hadrian Denarius Victory RIC 282 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 134 AD Hadrian Denarius Victory RIC 282 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 134 AD Hadrian Denarius Victory RIC 282 Extremely Fine $325.00
Last sold for this price on 10/7/2019
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 136 ~ 138 AD Aelius Silver Denarius S# 3967 about VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 136 ~ 138 AD Aelius Silver Denarius S# 3967 about VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 136 ~ 138 AD Aelius Silver Denarius S# 3967 about VF $325.00
Last sold for this price on 9/9/2021
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 136-138AD Aelius Sestertius RIC II 2695-2699 Very Good Ancient Rome (Imperial) 136-138AD Aelius Sestertius RIC II 2695-2699 Very Good Ancient Rome (Imperial) 136-138AD Aelius Sestertius RIC II 2695-2699 Very Good $164.00
Last sold for this price on 3/3/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 137 AD Hadrian Denarius Fides RIC 241A Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 137 AD Hadrian Denarius Fides RIC 241A Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 137 AD Hadrian Denarius Fides RIC 241A Extremely Fine $245.00
Last sold for this price on 21/6/2020
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 138 ~ 161 Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Fortuna C 384 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 138 ~ 161 Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Fortuna C 384 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 138 ~ 161 Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Fortuna C 384 Extremely Fine $475.00
Last sold for this price on 13/3/2021
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 138-161 AD Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Consecratio RIC 430 about EF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 138-161 AD Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Consecratio RIC 430 about EF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 138-161 AD Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Consecratio RIC 430 about EF $325.00
Last sold for this price on 2/6/2024
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 14 - 37 AD Tiberius Silver Denarius RIC I 30 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 14 - 37 AD Tiberius Silver Denarius RIC I 30 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 14 - 37 AD Tiberius Silver Denarius RIC I 30 Very Fine $1,395.00
Last sold for this price on 2/12/2024
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 14-37 A.D. Tiberius Silver Denarius Tribute Penny Good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 14-37 A.D. Tiberius Silver Denarius Tribute Penny Good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 14-37 A.D. Tiberius Silver Denarius Tribute Penny Good VF $1,200.00
Last sold for this price on 9/9/2021
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 14-37 AD Tiberius Silver Denarius Tribute Penny RIC# 26 about EF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 14-37 AD Tiberius Silver Denarius Tribute Penny RIC# 26 about EF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 14-37 AD Tiberius Silver Denarius Tribute Penny RIC# 26 about EF $1,100.00
Last sold for this price on 6/2/2020
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 14-37AD Tiberius AE As Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 14-37AD Tiberius AE As Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 14-37AD Tiberius AE As Fine $150.00
Last sold for this price on 11/3/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 140 - 143 AD Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Apollo RIC III # 63ba good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 140 - 143 AD Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Apollo RIC III # 63ba good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 140 - 143 AD Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Apollo RIC III # 63ba good VF $195.00
Last sold for this price on 7/12/2020
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 141AD Faustina Sr Silver Denarius RIC III 370 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 141AD Faustina Sr Silver Denarius RIC III 370 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 141AD Faustina Sr Silver Denarius RIC III 370 Fine $65.00
Last sold for this price on 13/5/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 146 BC C. Antestius Silver Denarius Dioscuri RRC 219/1e Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 146 BC C. Antestius Silver Denarius Dioscuri RRC 219/1e Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 146 BC C. Antestius Silver Denarius Dioscuri RRC 219/1e Very Fine $120.00
Last sold for this price on 10/3/2020
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 151 - 152 AD Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Tranquilitas RIC III 218 about VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 151 - 152 AD Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Tranquilitas RIC III 218 about VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 151 - 152 AD Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Tranquilitas RIC III 218 about VF $47.00
Last sold for this price on 6/10/2019
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 155-156 CE Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Annona RIC III 249 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 155-156 CE Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Annona RIC III 249 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 155-156 CE Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Annona RIC III 249 good VF $195.00
Last sold for this price on 22/9/2024
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 157 - 158 A.D. Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Aequitas Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 157 - 158 A.D. Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Aequitas Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 157 - 158 A.D. Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Aequitas Extremely Fine $339.25
Last sold for this price on 1/11/2019
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 158-159CE Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Felicitas RIC III 285A good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 158-159CE Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Felicitas RIC III 285A good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 158-159CE Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Felicitas RIC III 285A good VF $195.00
Last sold for this price on 22/9/2024
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161 - 175 AD Faustina Junior Silver Denarius Fecunditas RIC III 676 Good Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161 - 175 AD Faustina Junior Silver Denarius Fecunditas RIC III 676 Good Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161 - 175 AD Faustina Junior Silver Denarius Fecunditas RIC III 676 Good Fine $45.00
Last sold for this price on 9/7/2019
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161 AD Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Funeral Pyre RIC III 436 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161 AD Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Funeral Pyre RIC III 436 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161 AD Antoninus Pius Silver Denarius Funeral Pyre RIC III 436 Extremely Fine $375.00
Last sold for this price on 9/9/2021
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161 ~ 180AD Marcus Aurelius Silver Denarius Providentia RIC 51 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161 ~ 180AD Marcus Aurelius Silver Denarius Providentia RIC 51 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161 ~ 180AD Marcus Aurelius Silver Denarius Providentia RIC 51 good VF $632.50
Last sold for this price on 7/7/2021
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161-169AD Lucius Verus Silver Denarius RIC III 463 about EF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161-169AD Lucius Verus Silver Denarius RIC III 463 about EF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161-169AD Lucius Verus Silver Denarius RIC III 463 about EF $310.00
Last sold for this price on 13/3/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161-176AD Faustina II Silver Denarius RIC III 714 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161-176AD Faustina II Silver Denarius RIC III 714 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161-176AD Faustina II Silver Denarius RIC III 714 Fine $125.00
Last sold for this price on 7/4/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161-180AD Marcus Aurelius Sestertius RIC III 1037 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161-180AD Marcus Aurelius Sestertius RIC III 1037 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161-180AD Marcus Aurelius Sestertius RIC III 1037 Fine $150.00
Last sold for this price on 11/3/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161-180AD Marcus Aurelius Silver Denarius RIC III 207 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161-180AD Marcus Aurelius Silver Denarius RIC III 207 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 161-180AD Marcus Aurelius Silver Denarius RIC III 207 Fine $150.00
Last sold for this price on 7/4/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 162 ~ 163 AD Marcus Aurelius Silver Denarius Providentia RIC III 69 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 162 ~ 163 AD Marcus Aurelius Silver Denarius Providentia RIC III 69 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 162 ~ 163 AD Marcus Aurelius Silver Denarius Providentia RIC III 69 Extremely Fine $350.00
Last sold for this price on 5/9/2020
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 170 ~ 171 AD Marcus Aurelius Silver Denarius RIC III 236 about VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 170 ~ 171 AD Marcus Aurelius Silver Denarius RIC III 236 about VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 170 ~ 171 AD Marcus Aurelius Silver Denarius RIC III 236 about VF $195.00
Last sold for this price on 20/2/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 177-192AD Commodus Silver Denarius RIC III 209 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 177-192AD Commodus Silver Denarius RIC III 209 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 177-192AD Commodus Silver Denarius RIC III 209 Extremely Fine $325.00
Last sold for this price on 25/3/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 177-192AD Commodus Silver Denarius RIC III 259a Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 177-192AD Commodus Silver Denarius RIC III 259a Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 177-192AD Commodus Silver Denarius RIC III 259a Fine $175.00
Last sold for this price on 12/4/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 183 AD Commodus Silver Denarius Mars BMC 102 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 183 AD Commodus Silver Denarius Mars BMC 102 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 183 AD Commodus Silver Denarius Mars BMC 102 Very Fine $300.00
Last sold for this price on 20/7/2019
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 184 - 185 AD Commodus Silver Denarius Annona RIC III 106c about VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 184 - 185 AD Commodus Silver Denarius Annona RIC III 106c about VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 184 - 185 AD Commodus Silver Denarius Annona RIC III 106c about VF $172.50
Last sold for this price on 22/4/2020
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 185 AD Commodus Silver Denarius Aequitas RIC III 120 about VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 185 AD Commodus Silver Denarius Aequitas RIC III 120 about VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 185 AD Commodus Silver Denarius Aequitas RIC III 120 about VF $150.00
Last sold for this price on 11/10/2019
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 185 AD Commodus Silver Denarius Globe and scroll RIC 124 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 185 AD Commodus Silver Denarius Globe and scroll RIC 124 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 185 AD Commodus Silver Denarius Globe and scroll RIC 124 good VF $250.00
Last sold for this price on 11/7/2019
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 185 ~ 186 AD Commodus Silver Denarius Aequitas RIC 120 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 185 ~ 186 AD Commodus Silver Denarius Aequitas RIC 120 Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 185 ~ 186 AD Commodus Silver Denarius Aequitas RIC 120 Fine $175.00
Last sold for this price on 9/9/2021
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 193-211AD Septimius Severus Silver Denarius RIC IV 189b good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 193-211AD Septimius Severus Silver Denarius RIC IV 189b good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 193-211AD Septimius Severus Silver Denarius RIC IV 189b good VF $150.00
Last sold for this price on 22/3/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 193-211AD Septimius Severus Silver Denarius RIC IV 234 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 193-211AD Septimius Severus Silver Denarius RIC IV 234 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 193-211AD Septimius Severus Silver Denarius RIC IV 234 good VF $100.00
Last sold for this price on 13/5/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 193-211AD Septimius Severus Silver Denarius RIC IV 368 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 193-211AD Septimius Severus Silver Denarius RIC IV 368 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 193-211AD Septimius Severus Silver Denarius RIC IV 368 Very Fine $125.00
Last sold for this price on 15/4/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 193-217AD Julia Domna Silver Denarius RIC IV 564 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 193-217AD Julia Domna Silver Denarius RIC IV 564 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 193-217AD Julia Domna Silver Denarius RIC IV 564 good VF $100.00
Last sold for this price on 13/5/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 198-217AD Caracalla Silver Denarius RIC IV 196 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 198-217AD Caracalla Silver Denarius RIC IV 196 Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 198-217AD Caracalla Silver Denarius RIC IV 196 Very Fine $95.00
Last sold for this price on 13/5/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 198-217AD Caracalla Silver Denarius RIC IV 227 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 198-217AD Caracalla Silver Denarius RIC IV 227 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 198-217AD Caracalla Silver Denarius RIC IV 227 good VF $109.25
Last sold for this price on 11/3/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 200 - 202 AD Geta Silver Denarius Felicitas RIC IV 9B Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 200 - 202 AD Geta Silver Denarius Felicitas RIC IV 9B Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 200 - 202 AD Geta Silver Denarius Felicitas RIC IV 9B Very Fine $70.00
Last sold for this price on 9/7/2019
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 202 - 210 AD Septimius Severus Silver Denarius Victory RIC IV 295 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 202 - 210 AD Septimius Severus Silver Denarius Victory RIC IV 295 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 202 - 210 AD Septimius Severus Silver Denarius Victory RIC IV 295 good VF $175.00
Last sold for this price on 26/8/2024
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 209 - 211 AD Geta as Augustus Silver Denarius RIC IV 88 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 209 - 211 AD Geta as Augustus Silver Denarius RIC IV 88 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 209 - 211 AD Geta as Augustus Silver Denarius RIC IV 88 good VF $325.00
Last sold for this price on 5/10/2024
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 209-211AD Geta Denarius RIC IV 77 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 209-211AD Geta Denarius RIC IV 77 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 209-211AD Geta Denarius RIC IV 77 good VF $150.00
Last sold for this price on 28/6/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 209-212AD Geta Silver Denarius RIC IV 59a good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 209-212AD Geta Silver Denarius RIC IV 59a good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 209-212AD Geta Silver Denarius RIC IV 59a good VF $100.00
Last sold for this price on 13/5/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 213 - 214 AD Caracalla Silver Denarius RIC IV 300 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 213 - 214 AD Caracalla Silver Denarius RIC IV 300 Extremely Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 213 - 214 AD Caracalla Silver Denarius RIC IV 300 Extremely Fine $375.00
Last sold for this price on 5/10/2024
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 213 AD Caracalla Silver Denarius RIC IV 208a Good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 213 AD Caracalla Silver Denarius RIC IV 208a Good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 213 AD Caracalla Silver Denarius RIC IV 208a Good VF $275.00
Last sold for this price on 24/11/2024
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 217AD Julia Domna Silver Denarius RIC IV 551 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 217AD Julia Domna Silver Denarius RIC IV 551 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 217AD Julia Domna Silver Denarius RIC IV 551 good VF $125.00
Last sold for this price on 26/3/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 218-222AD Elagabalus Silver Denarius good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 218-222AD Elagabalus Silver Denarius good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 218-222AD Elagabalus Silver Denarius good VF $95.00
Last sold for this price on 18/7/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 218-222AD Elagabalus Silver Denarius RIC IV 146 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 218-222AD Elagabalus Silver Denarius RIC IV 146 good VF Ancient Rome (Imperial) 218-222AD Elagabalus Silver Denarius RIC IV 146 good VF $150.00
Last sold for this price on 22/4/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 222-235AD Severus Alexander Silver Denarius RIC IV 200a Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 222-235AD Severus Alexander Silver Denarius RIC IV 200a Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 222-235AD Severus Alexander Silver Denarius RIC IV 200a Very Fine $90.00
Last sold for this price on 13/5/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 222-235AD Severus Alexander Silver Denarius RIC IV 219a Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 222-235AD Severus Alexander Silver Denarius RIC IV 219a Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 222-235AD Severus Alexander Silver Denarius RIC IV 219a Very Fine $95.00
Last sold for this price on 23/3/2023
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Ancient Rome (Imperial) 222-235AD Severus Alexander Silver Denarius RIC IV 5c Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 222-235AD Severus Alexander Silver Denarius RIC IV 5c Very Fine Ancient Rome (Imperial) 222-235AD Severus Alexander Silver Denarius RIC IV 5c Very Fine $95.00
Last sold for this price on 1/5/2023
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