Perth Mint Palladium Coins

Perth Mint Palladium Coins image

The Value and Appeal of Palladium

Book on Perth Mint Palladium Coins
Book on Perth Mint Palladium Coins

Palladium is one of the most valuable precious metals in the world and is an attractive investment option for those looking to diversify their portfolio. It has a number of benefits when compared to other financial assets, including its stability, low volatility, and low correlation with traditional investments. Palladium can also be used as part of an inflation hedge

Gold and silver coins have been used as a store of value for generations, palladium is popular with a small group of collectors that are interested in diversifying their precious metal portfolio. Palladium is one of the platinum group metals and has often exceeded the value of platinum by a significant factor. The palladium coins from the Perth Mint are renowned for their superb quality and are all rare and attractive.

The Different Types of Coins in Palladium from the Perth Mint

Proof coins are preferred by collectors over bars because their purity and weight can be easily verified. Each of the palladium coins struck by the Perth Mint features an emu on the reverse - one of the largest birds in the world and only found in Australia. The Perth Mint has made several different types of coins struck in palladium - not only bullion and proof coins but coins presented with related collectables such as phone cards. The Royal Australian Mint has never minted a coin in palladium.

The Emu series of Australian coins were not struck until 1995, nearly 3 decades after decimal currency was introduced. They were only made for 3 years, cut short due to the huge volatility in the value of palladium. That very tight production window means they are among the hardest Australian precious metals for collectors to track down - far harder to get than gold and silver. A complete collection of these coins is only possible with diligence and planning.

The list below features all of the palladium coins we currently have in our online store. It is usually not an extensive range due to its rarity and popularity! Check our FAQ page for accepted payment types and delivery guarantees.


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